Satz? Ich seh da nur eine wirre Aneinanderreihnung von Worten.
ruebefrei - 7. Feb, 20:38
schoen, dass du wieder am start bist... und geil, dass man das recht haben kann an etwas teilzunehmen, das gleichzeitig von einem erwartet wird...
Dear colleague,
the European Academy of Sciences (EAS) announces an award for highly talented young scientists successfully working in European Universities or Research Institutions.
The award is granted to an international team of young scientists, selected in a competition for a workshop, planned and organized by the team and covering interdisciplinary topics chosen by the applicants in a field selected by EAS.
This award has the goal to stir the cooperation of young researchers in Europe interested in research crossing the borders of disciplines and states. By offering communication and cooperation with its members the interactions between generations is going to be enhanced. Fellows will have the right and are expected to take part in scientific activities of the EAS.
Please find application details and further information under or
schoen, dass du wieder am start bist... und geil, dass man das recht haben kann an etwas teilzunehmen, das gleichzeitig von einem erwartet wird...
the European Academy of Sciences (EAS) announces an award for highly talented young scientists successfully working in European Universities or Research Institutions.
The award is granted to an international team of young scientists, selected in a competition for a workshop, planned and organized by the team and covering interdisciplinary topics chosen by the applicants in a field selected by EAS.
This award has the goal to stir the cooperation of young researchers in Europe interested in research crossing the borders of disciplines and states. By offering communication and cooperation with its members the interactions between generations is going to be enhanced. Fellows will have the right and are expected to take part in scientific activities of the EAS.
Please find application details and further information under or
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